The TAG Method for Trauma Reprocessing and Integration is the synthesis of decades of research and clinical work into what causes trauma, how it is stored in the body, and the most effective and efficient ways of finding, clearing and healing it.

TAG stands for Trauma Access Gates. We have learned that through the deployment of multiple tools (keys) we are able to gain access (open gates) to stuck places in the brain and body where traumatic events have not been properly processed or have become lodged, creating constriction in a person’s ability to respond to the world around them and to stay appropriately regulated.

In The TAG Method, we use the power of the eye and the brain/body connection, combined with music, felt sense, parts work, Heart breathing, (and more!) to create the conditions to reprocess and integrate those stuck places, thus establishing greater flow in the person’s neural networks – resulting in lasting healing.

The TAG Method is… playful, adaptable and deeply effective. Engage with metaphors, games and journeys that take us from being stuck to becoming free from the wounds of the past.

This is not a protocol. There is not a five step outline you follow. Rather, as a compassionate witness, The TAG Method is about learning to be in deep attunement with yourself and the human before you, and with open curiosity, allowing the body and brain to do what they do best – heal.

The TAG Method training will prepare you to be an agent of change and healing in the world.


Registration for the Fall 2024 Cohorts is now open!

For detailed information about the training please visit the training page. For information about cost and schedule please visit the registration page. Thanks!

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We look forward to you joining us on this amazing journey!